Variables are great, but they kind of feel like Globals in programming and you can easily lose track of them and what they are for. (even with good naming)
Variable Definition Location
Not sure if this is even possible, though it would be nice to see where a variable was defined.
Currently there are 3 locations I know of:
- Project variables (locals)
- Library variables (globals)
- Deploy template variables (parameters)
If a #{..}
item was to include a tag style icon (eg. P
, L
, T
) next to it in the UI, then you would be able to tell what it is and where that variable was defined.
Additionally cool would be to Ctrl+click and go to that variable (completely optional)
Variable Snapshot
The view snapshot button would be better on the Final deployment page where all the variables should be resolvable since the Environment/Targets are now known.
List would also reduce the size of the list. Since any scope not associated with an environment, target etc could be eliminated.
Variable tab on the Deployment page
When a deployment is in progress and we have the Task Summary and Task Log, it would be nice to know the resolved variables as well.
So I don’t have to log into a VM or Azure to check if I messed up a variable definition.
So maybe an extra Tab, Variable Snapshot/Variable Log.
This would also be handy for checking previous deployments and there variable changes between deployments.