On Monday night I upgraded to v2020.3.2 and although everything is working fine, on each tenant’s Common Variables, multiple values are not populated .
But if I variable preview on the project that uses the tenant the variables are pulling through
We have over 200 tenants and I lots of Variable Sets - Variable Templates
In that case the best option is to wait for the next release. The issue is just in the UI, as you’ve already noticed when deploying or viewing them elsewhere.
We also have an issue now with creating a new tenant. It keeps the prompt for Value required for deployment, but won’t allow a value tobe added. Is there a workaround for this ? Or are we close to a patch release ?
I’ve some quick testing using a project variable template with a single line text default variable and it is allowing me to update to new values.
Is it presenting an error when you attempt this or outputting anything to the diagnostic log? May even be worth bringing up the browser dev tools to see if any errors are presented there.