Upgrade from 3.3.9 to 3.3.12 hangs

After updating octopus service It is do some work but it is very long:
2016-05-10 11:26:41.9492 7 INFO Browse your Octopus server at: https://localhost:443/
2016-05-10 11:26:41.9492 7 INFO The Octopus server is starting: Initializing database and performing migrations…
2016-05-10 11:26:42.1252 7 INFO Beginning database upgrade
2016-05-10 11:26:42.1252 7 INFO Fetching list of already executed scripts.
2016-05-10 11:26:42.1462 7 INFO Executing SQL Server script ‘Octopus.Core.UpgradeScripts.Script0040RemoveTemplateScriptStepPropertiesThatDoNotApplyToTheScriptSource.cs’
2016-05-10 11:26:42.4672 7 INFO Executing SQL Server script ‘Octopus.Core.UpgradeScripts.Script0041FixOrDeleteChannelReferencesForVariablesAndReleaseCreationOptions.cs’
2016-05-10 12:15:21.2649 5 INFO Stopping the Windows Service
2016-05-10 12:15:21.2805 5 INFO The Octopus server is shutting down…
After waiting 40 minutes I have stopped WinService and in log files was line ‘The Octopus server is shutting down…’ but process was still in memory and working.

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Thanks for reaching out. In 3.3.11 we added a fix that involves a SQL query that runs during the update (see github issue). This query could take some time depending on the size of your Octopus instance (we had a customer with a big instance that took almost 3.5hs).

What happens if you start the Octopus service now? On which version does Octopus says you are in? I just wanna make sure nothing went bad because the service was stopped during the upgrade.

Please let me know the answer to those 2 questions so I can tell you what to do next.


I have installed old version of service 3.3.9 and runned it. Now it is working. We did some deployment.

Glad to hear you are up and running. When you run the 3,3,11 upgrade, be aware that It will take some time. If it takes longer than 3hs, let us know and send us screenshots of the process, but do not cancel it.


@Dalmiro: is it possible to issue a notification in future if some updates are anticipated to take long time? This delay was unexpected :slight_smile:

Duration of our updating was 4.448 Hrs without any issues. Now octopus server is running.

Here is cut of log file:
2016-05-14 08:27:57.5740 7 INFO Browse your Octopus server at: https://localhost:443/
2016-05-14 08:27:57.5740 7 INFO The Octopus server is starting: Initializing database and performing migrations…
2016-05-14 08:27:57.7690 7 INFO Beginning database upgrade
2016-05-14 08:27:57.7690 7 INFO Fetching list of already executed scripts.
2016-05-14 08:27:57.7910 7 INFO Executing SQL Server script 'Octopus.Core.UpgradeScripts.Script0041FixOrDeleteChannelReferencesForVariablesAndReleaseCreationOptions.cs’
2016-05-14 12:54:53.0778 7 INFO Upgrade successful
2016-05-14 12:54:53.4997 7 INFO The Octopus server is starting: Starting message distributor…
2016-05-14 12:54:53.5465 7 INFO listen://[::]:10943/ 7 Listener started
2016-05-14 12:54:53.5934 7 INFO The Octopus server is starting: Starting task scheduler…
2016-05-14 12:54:53.6716 7 INFO The Octopus server is starting: Starting task queue…
2016-05-14 12:54:53.7028 7 INFO Web server is ready to process requests
2016-05-14 12:54:53.7028 7 INFO The Windows Service has started

@Dmitry - We’ll do that next time. Sorry for the inconveniences caused.

@Andry - Glad to hear that!