Updated to 3.15.7 broke octo.exe tenant deployments using wildcard (*)

This morning we updated to Octopus 3.15.7 from 3.15.2. Our automated deployments via TFS now fail if a tenant is not explicitly defined. Previously we were using the * for all tenants. Attached are the three log files for comparison.

Wildcard_Deployment_3.15.2.txt (11 KB)

Wildcard_Deployment_3.15.7.txt (4 KB)

Explicit_Deployment_3.15.7.txt (10 KB)


Thanks for reaching out. I’m very sorry you are facing this issue. A couple of days ago we fixed this issue, which required an update of both the Octopus Server and Octo.exe. For this * tenants approach to work, the user needs to have both tools up to date.

The problem here is that we forgot to ship a new version of the TFS plugin that includes the latest octo.exe. Hence your build breaking after you upgraded just the Octopus Server.

I’m passing this as a priority to the team to make sure we ship an updated version of the TFS plugin right away.

As a rather hacky workaround, you could go to your build agent and replace C:\tfsbuild\tasks\OctopusCreateRelease\0.3.3\Octo.exe with the latest version of Octo.exe from https://octopus.com/downloads. But this approach has a big gotcha : It’ll only work if you are using TFS and not VSTS, as only in the first one you have control over your Agent and you can swap that file.

Make sure to backup the current octo.exe version. Just in case something goes wrong and you can easily switch back to the old version.

Once again, apologies for the inconveniences caused by this. We’ll try to fix it ASAP.

Best regards,

Sorry to jump in here. We’ve just had the same issue and we’re using TeamCity. Does the latest TeamCity plugin (4.15.6) contain the correct version of octo.exe?


Hi Colin,

Thanks for getting in touch. Correctv 4.15.6 has the version of Octo.exe with the fix for this.

Best regards,

Yeah that works now.
