I’m trying to run a runbook containing a “Deploy a release step”. When the step is disabled, the runbook executes OK. When the step is enabled, the runbook cannot be executed or published through the UI, instead producing this validation error in the pink validation panel:
There was a problem with your request.
“Please specify the Runbook Snapshot to run.”
There are a few others in there that will help you get going for various scenarios, but please let me know if the workaround gets you in a good state or if you need any help setting it up.
Thanks for this - I got the workaround in place using the API.
For the benefit of others, in my particular case it worked like this:
Look up project ID using the project slug.
Look up the environment using its name.
Get the project dashboard from progression endpoint, then find the last successful deployment from that, then post a new deployment - all as per the GitHub samples you supplied.
Poll the tasks endpoint for the resulting task until it transitions to a stopped state.