The step failed: The given key was not present in the dictionary

We have a Meta project with bunch of other Deploy release steps in it.

Our condition is to perform deployment “if the selected release is not the current release in the environment”

We expect Octopus to just Continue if the selected release is same as current release in the environment but however Octopus is throwing a failure on the deploy release steps with below error

“The step failed: The given key was not present in the dictionary.”

Octopus version we have is 2018.7.0

Can you please guide us in right approach to fix this.

Hi Srinivas,

Thank you for getting in touch and I’m sorry you’ve hit this issue.

There is a known issue that sounds very similar to your situation (although that report was for when a release is a higher version) and I am working on getting a fix out for it this week.

My sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Thank you and kind regards,

Thanks Henrick for response…

Continuing on this topic, i also wanted to mention that Meta Release didn’t respect Guided Failure Mode =ON and Deployment just marked as failed.

Thanks for letting us know, I’ve raised this GitHub issue to have this investigated and fixed as soon as possible.


HI Henrik,

Any updates on this issue fix.

Hi Srinivas,

This was fixed in 2018.7.14 as part of #4766.

Thank you and best regards,

HI Henrick,

coming back to this thread after a while,

So, Are you saying both below issues are fixed?

  1. The step failed: The given key was not present in the dictionary
  2. Respecting Guided failure mode for Meta releases Deploy

Please confirm since we are planning for another Octopus upgrade

Hi Srinivas,

Yes, both those issues should now be fixed.


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