We have started to see this message. What does it mean?
Hi Michael,
Thanks for getting in touch! I’m sorry to hear you have hit a problem with your Octopus license. I’m interested in knowing if you are using an Self-Hosted license or an Octopus Cloud license.
If you happen to have Self-Hosted and you don’t have the Data Center license, you could run into a situation where restoring an Octopus Server, including a backup of the Database (You would have needed to use the existing Master Key) could result in running more Octopus Servers side-by-side with the same configuration. Octopus will detect more nodes than are allowed on that particular license.
One way to check if this is the case would be to login to your Octopus Server Portal, navigate to Configuration > Nodes. You should be able to shutdown any additional servers here and remove them from the nodes page by clicking on the Three dots next to a node and choosing delete.
I’m interested to know if this has helped!
Kind regards,
We’re all set. The client using OD is on a free plan and used too many “things”.
Hi Michael,
Thanks for getting back to us and letting us know what the problem was! If you’re interested I can get you in touch with someone from sales who can assist you further in picking a plan that suits you best.
Have a great day!
Kind regards,