Hi, i’m trying to deploy to a Kubernetes cluster using the “Deploy raw Kubernetes YAML” step but my deployment is failing on “The AWS Elastic Container Registry at region eu-west-1 does not support downloading packages on the Octopus Server.”
I’m using YAML Source from “File inside a package” that is located on Amazon ECR. I can search for packages from the feed, so that seems to be working.
I can also deploy to the cluster if I simply copy the YAML to Octopus using the “Source code” option.
My initial thought would be that perhaps the AWS credentials haven’t got the necessary permissions to pull the package onto the Octopus Server.
Are you able to test this outside of Octopus and perform a download of that package using the same credentials and the AWS CLI?
Hi, thanks for the reply. I can now see the package details on the release page after I gave the user in AWS permissions to ecr:* but the same error still occurs.
I can pull the image down locally with the user I am using in Octopus.
But is it the package feed or the Kubernetes user that is pulling the image/package? It is only the package feed user that has access to ECR at the moment.
It should be the package feed user that is being used for the download, but it may be worth increasing the kubernetes user permissions and testing that. It could be that there is a bug here and Octopus is grabbing the wrong account.
I’m going to reach out to our engineers to get some more input on this.
I’ve been having issues attempting to replicate this most of the day and just discovered that we actually have a bug with the ECR external feed in 2020.3.1 that was tripping me up.
So, unrelated, but don’t update your Octopus Server until you see a fix go out for: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/6495
I’ve had a chat with the engineers and we believe that this feature coming in 2020.4.0 may be what you need.
The current configuration you’re using is expecting a zip or nupkg that contains a YAML file that octopus can extract.
When using the ECR feed octopus expects to find docker images so it doesn’t attempt to download it, hence the error message.
The new feature will allow you to reference the image without needing to download it.