We upgraded the teamcity plugin this morning to get the TLS 1.2 fix, and its mostly working fine.
However, we just had a deploy that’s failed, and its returned this error in the teamcity logs:
Error from Octopus server (HTTP 200): Unable to process response from server: Error converting value "Cancelled" to type 'Octopus.Client.Model.ActivityStatus'. Path 'ActivityLog.Children[3].Status', line 315, position 30.. Response content: {
[16:29:14] "Task": {
[16:29:14] "Id": "ServerTasks-16169",
[16:29:14] "Name": "Deploy",
[16:29:14] "Description": "Deploy Ce
[16:29:14]Exit code: -7
[16:29:14]Octo.exe exit code: -7
I know I saw Issue #2223 come through recently that renamed Cancelled
to Canceled
, so I suspect that this was a breaking change