System.IO.FileFormatException: Unsupported file extension `.nupkg`

I’m using step “Deploy to Tomcat via Manager” and getting this error during deploy:

October 24th 2018 16:34:18Info
Deploying:    C:\Octopus\Files\cz.test.unit.console@S1.7.0.29-master@9EB539AFFF95D6439D3A710CBFD379C5.nupkg 
October 24th 2018 16:34:18Error
System.IO.FileFormatException: Unsupported file extension `.nupkg` 
October 24th 2018 16:34:18Error
   at Calamari.Integration.Packages.GenericPackageExtractor.GetExtractor(String packageFile) 
October 24th 2018 16:34:18Error
   at Calamari.Integration.Packages.GenericPackageExtractor.Extract(String packageFile, String directory, Boolean suppressNestedScriptWarning) 
October 24th 2018 16:34:18Error
   at Calamari.Deployment.Conventions.ExtractPackageConvention.Install(RunningDeployment deployment) 
October 24th 2018 16:34:18Error
   at Calamari.Deployment.ConventionProcessor.RunInstallConventions() 
October 24th 2018 16:34:18Error
   at Calamari.Deployment.ConventionProcessor.RunConventions() 
October 24th 2018 16:34:18Error
Running rollback conventions... 
October 24th 2018 16:34:19Error
Unsupported file extension `.nupkg` 
October 24th 2018 16:34:19Error
October 24th 2018 16:34:19Error
   at Calamari.Integration.Packages.GenericPackageExtractor.GetExtractor(String packageFile) 
October 24th 2018 16:34:19Error
   at Calamari.Integration.Packages.GenericPackageExtractor.Extract(String packageFile, String directory, Boolean suppressNestedScriptWarning) 
October 24th 2018 16:34:19Error
   at Calamari.Deployment.Conventions.ExtractPackageConvention.Install(RunningDeployment deployment) 
October 24th 2018 16:34:19Error
   at Calamari.Deployment.ConventionProcessor.RunInstallConventions() 
October 24th 2018 16:34:19Error
   at Calamari.Deployment.ConventionProcessor.RunConventions() 
October 24th 2018 16:34:19Error
   at Calamari.Commands.Java.DeployJavaArchiveCommand.Execute(String[] commandLineArguments) 
October 24th 2018 16:34:19Error
   at Calamari.Program.Execute(String[] args) 
October 24th 2018 16:34:19Fatal
The remote script failed with exit code 100 
October 24th 2018 16:34:19Fatal
The action Apache on PLATON failed

Inside my nupkg is only war file.

Strange is that when I use same .nupkg package to step “Deploy a Package”, package is deployed without any problem.

It seems to me that step Deploy to Tomcat is not working. Anyone is using this step with .nupkg package?

Hi Salamoun,

Thanks for getting in touch! Since we’ve expanded our Java support with this step, we’ve also started supporting war, jar, ear, and rar files within the built-in package feed. This means you don’t need to package the war file into a NuGet package to deploy it. Is there a specific reason this is required, or are you able to deploy the war file directly with this step? You can refer to more information on our Java support in our documentation.

I hope this helps! Let me know how you go or if you have any further questions moving forward. :slight_smile:

Best regards,


1 Like

OK, thanks.


You’re very welcome! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns in the future. :slight_smile:

Best regards,


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