Below is my webhook configuration. Current the web hook is not firing for any deployment. I checked the audit trail and there are no events being captured by it and I dont see any fails. Any idea as to why this is occurring?
Thanks for getting in touch! I’m sorry to hear you’re hitting this issue. Do you see any entries in your subscription logs? You can view this in the web portal under Configuration > Diagnostics > Subscription Logs.
Which version of Octopus are you currently running? It’s possible you could be hitting a previously known and fixed issue, such as the following where web hooks were not firing for users with scoped permissions (fixed in 2018.3.0).
I’d like to confirm and further attempt to reproduce this.
I look forward to hearing back and getting to the bottom of this one!
Thanks for following up and letting me know! I suspect an upgrade to latest will resolve this issue, and I’m keen to hear the outcome. Please reach out if you’re still hitting this same issue!