We have build versions that are version based - i.e. 3.28.xxx.xxx, 3.27.xxx.xxx, 3.26.xxx.xxx
If I am creating a release and trying to find say a 3.26 build - - - - in the selection screen there is a box where you can type things into - with a button called Search right next to it.
If I put selection critieria in that box - say I put in 3.26 and hit Search - - expecting to see a list of all the builds starting with 3.26 - - - - that is not what I get - I get a list of ALL the builds - chunked out by max display - it happens to start with 3.28 - so I have to hit “Show More” more times than is helpful.
If I just hit search - thinking that maybe you meant to load the modal and then let me enter my search criteria within the modal - - - that is not possible either.
If I get the EXACT and full name of the build vs. assuming I can do a “starts with” search - I get the exact same modal loaded up with every build.
Since no matter what I put in the box next to search makes a difference to what I see when the modal opens up, and when the modal opens up after I hit search I cannot enter any search criteria, what is that Search button supposed to be doing???
Second question - can we actually get a working search?
Before we upgraded - when the modal opened, the ENTIRE list showed so you could do a browser search and find the section you were after - which, while not particularly helpful, was a viable work around because you could search the whole list without having to hit “Show More” repeatedly. Below is a screeen shot showing the SEARCH button I am referring to.