Resolving of variable

Hi Octopus Team,
Octopus Server is not able to resolve a variable. The variable is initialized as you can see in screenshot 1 and assigned in deployment step in screen shot 2. But when octopus deploys a release, the variable is not resolved (screenshot 3). Instead of resolving the variable, octopus just uses the variable name as a value. We use Octopus for a quite long time now, and I never encounter this kind of problems.

Thanks in advance


I have recently upgraded to version 2.6. I noticed that this problem only occurs in projects which were created already in version 1.6…

Hi Fabian,

Thanks for getting in touch. I’m not sure if this should be a problem with projects created on 1.6. Though I might be wrong.

Could you please enable these debugging variables in your project? After that create a new release (so the variables take effect), deploy it and send us the raw log



Hi Dalmiro

Thanks for your quick reply. I attached the log file of a new release
created with debugging variables.

2015-07-10 22:00 GMT+02:00 Dalmiro Grañas

ServerTasks-22565.log.txt (183 KB)

Hi Fabian,

Thanks for sending the log. Did you make sure that the scope of the variable is not preventing it from showing up on this particular deployment? If you are not sure about this, please send us a screenshot like 1_variableInitialization.jpg that also shows the variable’s scope (last column).

Could you also please try to delete that variable from your project’s variable menu, and then re-creating it? Then try to deploy once again.



Hi Dalmiro

The scope is set correctly. I just recreated the variable and it works as

Thanks for your help

2015-07-13 21:30 GMT+02:00 Dalmiro Grañas

Hi Fabian,

Glad to hear!
