Hi All,
I am working on a script that will traverse a deployed directory for SQL scripts to run. There will be a sub directory for each database and each of these directories can have multiple .sql files.
Each different DB has a seperate connection string as defined in variables.
DBConnectionString_DB1 = Connection string for DB1
DBconnectionString_DB2 = Connection string for DB2
I am needing to dynamically select the appropriate variable depending on the database. Refer to script below:
Get-ChildItem -Path 'd:\temp\octopus\contents\sql' |
Foreach-Object {
foreach($file in Get-ChildItem $_.FullName)
Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile $file.FullName -ConnectionString #{DBConnectionString_$file.Directory.Name}
I have been building a powershell script within Octopus step. I am wishing to use a variable to specify the connection script for SQL command. However I have 2 variables:
The DB1 and DB2 should be substibuted for the currente directory. However when referencing the variable how can I dynamaically reference the appropriate variable?
I found a document that suggested the following:
However it does not apear to work… Thoughts?