Packages with pattern 0.0.X.X not visible for deployment

I have a pre-release product building in Visual Studio Team Services. I am using the Octopus Deploy Package and Push Public tasks.
The VSTS logs indicate the package pushed successfully to Octopus Deploy:

2017-04-04T14:17:15.3508503Z ##[section]Starting: Push Packages to Octopus
2017-04-04T14:17:15.3518505Z ==============================================================================
2017-04-04T14:17:15.3518505Z Task : Push Package(s) to Octopus
2017-04-04T14:17:15.3518505Z Description : Push your NuGet or Zip package to your Octopus Deploy Server
2017-04-04T14:17:15.3518505Z Version : 2.0.63
2017-04-04T14:17:15.3518505Z Author : Octopus Deploy
2017-04-04T14:17:15.3518505Z Help : Version: 2.0.63. More Information
2017-04-04T14:17:15.3518505Z ==============================================================================
2017-04-04T14:17:16.7371346Z ##[command]“D:\a_tasks\OctopusPush_d05ad9a2-5d9e-4a1c-a887-14034334d6f2\2.0.63\Octo.exe” push --server=http://xxx/ --apiKey=******** --package="D:\a\1\a\OctoDrop\FinalFinishMain."
2017-04-04T14:17:16.8071347Z Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 4.13.4
2017-04-04T14:17:17.4410758Z Handshaking with Octopus server: http://xxx/
2017-04-04T14:17:17.4410758Z Handshake successful. Octopus version: 3.10.1; API version: 3.0.0
2017-04-04T14:17:17.4961008Z Authenticated as: OctoAdmin
2017-04-04T14:17:17.4971014Z Pushing package: D:\a\1\a\OctoDrop\FinalFinishMain.…
2017-04-04T14:17:19.3307106Z Push successful
2017-04-04T14:17:19.3539575Z ##[section]Finishing: Push Packages to Octopus

I was originally using a package signature of 1.0.X.X and changed to 0.0.X.X when we started pre-release testing in production.
Upon changing to the 0.0.X.X signature - I suddenly found changes were not being deployed.
T/S found the 0.0.X.X packages could not be found and the last 1.0.X.X was being used for deployment instead.
After verifying VSTS indicated the correct package id was reported pushed to Octopus, but did not display, I reverted back to the 1.0.X.X package signature and the problem resolved itself.

Two questions:

  1. Is there a setting available to make 0.0.X.X package IDs available for deployment?
  2. Is there a setting to throw an error if the defined package is not available, rather than deploy the last available package?


When you say the the changes aren’t being deployed, how are you creating a release and deploying? Are you just still getting the 1.0.X.X package or an error? If you are creating a release with the “latest” package we order by version number, in which case you’ll get the 1.0.X.X packages deployed, since they have a newer version number.

If that’s the case you could delete all the 1.0.X.X packages from the internal feed so that your 0.0.X.X are considered the latest version.
