Package feed returned 401 Unauthorised, check the username and password for this feed. Also attempt to connect using NuGet.exe

Getting the below error when trying to connect to the external Nuget feed hosted on our Azure DevOps instance. It used to work fine before upgrading to 2019.12.2 LTS version of octopus server.
we are using the same credentials for the feed and the user has owner access to the feed. Also tried another user and same issue, also tried using the personal access token and the same issue, we thought the personal access token had expired but generated a new one also.

“Package feed returned 401 Unauthorised, check the username and password for this feed. Also attempt to connect using NuGet.exe.”

Hi @sohail.malik,

Thanks for getting in touch!

I firstly want to clarify a few points to ensure we’re on the same page.
I’m assuming you’re using a local install of Octopus server and not one of our cloud instances?
And is your Azure DevOps instance local or cloud hosted?

Also, are you able to use NuGet.exe to connect to the feed using these credentials? That would be a useful test to confirm function outside of Octopus.


Hello Paul

Yes using a local install of octopus, Azure Devops is cloud, and yes can connect via nuget.exe to the feed using the same credentials. Infact the same credentials worked fine
before upgrading to 2019.12.2 LTS version of octopus,


Hi Sohail,

I’ve run an upgrade on my test instance to see if I can replicate this, and it is working as expected.

Would you be able to create a new NuGet feed using the below URL and PAT?
The feed itself is empty, so just search for anything using the Save and Test option. It won’t find any results, but should authenticate successfully.

PAT: siy2jjupure4el5vyrkuy4wn7ysnjsif4csc7xrkpyphow7jfj3q

Let me know if you get any errors when testing this.

I used the one you provided below and am getting the same error, I tried it by putting the PAT in the username and the feed password section. Also tried without the PAT but same
401 error.

<img width=“498” height=“424” style=“width:5.1875in;height:4.4166in” id=“Picture_x0020_4” src="//" alt="A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated">


Ok, try with some random text in the username field e.g. Test and the PAT in the password box. The username box shouldn’t get checked, but does need something in there.

Thanks that did it. Also our feed is working also, was trying with PAT but did not put anything in the username, so looks like before this upgrade it was working with username
and password now it needs the PAT.

You can close the ticket

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