Wanted to see if you guys could weigh in on the below HO-OCTOPUS TENTACLE UPGRADE ERROR. We just upgraded to the newest version of Octopus and everything went pretty smooth and we are up and running without issue but we did encounter this below on a tentacle upgrade.
This server does not have version 3.7.71 of the Calamari package. It will be pushed automatically.
June 19th 2017 06:50:20Error
Remove-Item : Cannot remove item D:\Octopus\Calamari\Local\3.7.71\AlphaFS.dll:
June 19th 2017 06:50:20Error
Access to the path ‘AlphaFS.dll’ is denied.
June 19th 2017 06:50:20Error
At D:\Octopus\Work\20170619115013-4508\Bootstrap.ps1:44 char:7
June 19th 2017 06:50:20Error
Remove-Item $_.FullName -Recurse -Force
June 19th 2017 06:50:20Error
June 19th 2017 06:50:20Error
+ CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (AlphaFS.dll:FileInfo) [Remove
June 19th 2017 06:50:20Error
-Item], UnauthorizedAccessException
June 19th 2017 06:50:20Error
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : RemoveFileSystemItemUnAuthorizedAccess,Microsoft
June 19th 2017 06:50:20Error
3 additional lines not shown