Wondering if anyone has had luck getting the audit log into splunk. I noticed there is a splunkbase module for Octo, but hesitant to use as it was last updated 6 years ago.
Hi @zippo706,
Thanks for reaching out.
For the audit log, that’s, unfortunately, a bit tricky. You would likely need to parse the audit log with API calls and put it in a format that’s manageable for your external tool to read. Here is an example of a way of parsing the audit log between a date range: OctopusDeploy-Api/FindByDate.ps1 at 503474bb5f6c0bdf0bf8856eadbaa431a2d8165b · OctopusDeploy/OctopusDeploy-Api · GitHub
Please let me know if you think that will work for your use case or if we need to try to find another solution.
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