Octopus getting perevious version of nuget package

Hi ,

We are currently evaluating Octopus for our environment. We have it integrated with TeamCity and it is working really well except for the fact that Octopus is always getting the nuget package one version below its current version.

For example:
Team City MVC Test -> Releases -> 1.0.10 -> Deploy to Development

So looking at the above line it should be looking for a nuget package with the version 1.0.10 however when you look under the step Downloading packages from NuGet Servers

2013-03-09 00:18:22 DEBUG Checking package cache for package MVCSite 1.0.9

Why is it looking for 1.0.9? It doesn’t make any sense to me.



Can you paste the output from your TeamCity build logs where the release is

Note that you’ll need two TeamCity build configurations - one which creates
your package (they only appear in the NuGet feed once the build completes)
and then another dependent package which deploys the release.


Paul Stovell
Octopus Deploy
W: octopusdeploy.com | T: @octopusdeploy http://twitter.com/octopusdeploy

Hey Paul,

Thanks for your reply.

I have attached the build log from teamcity.

There is a line in there which I don’t understand:

[16:18:20][Octopus Deploy] ##teamcity[setParameter name=‘octo.releaseNumber’ value=‘1.0.10’]

Isn’t the above line incorrect?


teamcity.log (18 KB)


Thanks for the update.

The issue seems to be that you are using the same build configuration in
TeamCity to both create your NuGet package, AND to deploy it. You’ll need
to split the build configurations - the first should create the package
(with your first build step). The second should do the deployment. You can
set up a dependency/trigger in TeamCity to run one configuration after

This video demonstrates how to set this up:

Hope this helps,


Paul Stovell
Octopus Deploy
W: octopusdeploy.com | T: @octopusdeploy http://twitter.com/octopusdeploy

Thanks Paul. I will try that out. Really liking what octopus has to offer so far.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

From: Paul Stovell
Sent: Friday, March 8, 2013 5:38 PM
To: Ashu Dassan
Subject: Re: Octopus getting perevious version of nuget package [Problems #5542]