One of our ADO release pipeline is currently encountering an error:
Error: Request timeout:/LatestTools
Error: Unable to locate and download the latest Octopus CLI Tool. To use the embedded copy or another specific version, add the Octopus CLI installer task to the build pipeline before this task.
The pipeline was working before this update any idea on what is causing this and do we now have to add the Octopus CLI Installer task to get past this error.
Thanks for reaching out, and sorry to hear that you’re having issues with your deployment pipeline. From the looks of this error, your ADO instance is failing to reach out to (which is a friendly URL pointing to to download the latest version of the Octopus CLI that it uses to perform Octopus-related operations. If this is a self-hosted install, is it possible that you have this locked down to disallow access?
One option you may want to use to get unblocked is to change the Octopus CLI tool from latest to embedded here, while you examine the rest of your network configuration to see if anything changed.
I was referring to this comment “If this is a self-hosted install, is it possible that you have this locked down to disallow access?”
But regarding the task are you suggesting just to add a task for it? In our current release pipeline we only have a Create and Deploy task prior to this latest upgrade of the extension and that works fine until after the update.
Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. If you have limited egress to the outside internet from that machine (only allowing whitelisted URLs, or needing a proxy configured etc), it could be an environmental problem outside of ADO/Octopus. You can likely test this by RDP’ing into that machine, and then doing an
Invoke-WebRequest and checking to see the output, which should look like:
If it fails to connect, then I imagine it’s an environmental issue that’s preventing the Octopus Plugin to get the latest version of the Octopus CLI.
If the above doesn’t work, I’d have your server/network teams take a look at why this request is failed. If you need to get this deployed now, I’d suggest adding the “Octopus CLI Installer” step to your job, and using the “Embedded” version there, so it won’t try to go out and pull down the latest version (and fail).