So a few setup points first. I have added the NuGet OctoPack to my project and I have modified the csproj file to have true in the debug property section so that building thru also triggers an octopack build.
When I build the project I get this output. The nuspec file is generated (and now copied from my root to the octopacking folder, but the obj\octopacked folder is empty post build.
1>------ Build started: Project: AccountService, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1> AccountService -> C:\code\Services\AccountService\bin\AccountService.dll
1> OctoPack: Written files: 196
1> OctoPack: Files will not be added because the NuSpec file already contains a section with one or more elements and option OctoPackEnforceAddingFiles was not specified.
1> OctoPack: pack: invalid arguments.
1> OctoPack: usage: NuGet pack <nuspec | project> [options]
1> OctoPack:
1> OctoPack: Creates a NuGet package based on the specified nuspec or project file.
1> OctoPack:
1> OctoPack: Specify the location of the nuspec or project file to create a package.
1> OctoPack:
1> OctoPack: options:
1> OctoPack:
1> OctoPack: -OutputDirectory Specifies the directory for the created NuGet package file. If not specified, uses the current directory.
1> OctoPack: -BasePath The base path of the files defined in the nuspec file.
1> OctoPack: -Verbose Shows verbose output for package building.
1> OctoPack: -Version Overrides the version number from the nuspec file.
1> OctoPack: -Exclude + Specifies one or more wildcard patterns to exclude when creating a package.
1> OctoPack: -Symbols Determines if a package containing sources and symbols should be created. When specified with a nuspec, creates a regular NuGet package file and the corresponding symbols package.
1> OctoPack: -Tool Determines if the output files of the project should be in the tool folder.
1> OctoPack: -Build Determines if the project should be built before building the package.
1> OctoPack: -NoDefaultExcludes Prevent default exclusion of NuGet package files and files and folders starting with a dot e.g. .svn.
1> OctoPack: -NoPackageAnalysis Specify if the command should not run package analysis after building the package.
1> OctoPack: -ExcludeEmptyDirectories Prevent inclusion of empty directories when building the package.
1> OctoPack: -IncludeReferencedProjects Include referenced projects either as dependencies or as part of the package.
1> OctoPack: -Properties + Provides the ability to specify a semicolon “;” delimited list of properties when creating a package.
1> OctoPack: -MinClientVersion Set the minClientVersion attribute for the created package.
1> OctoPack: -Help (?) help
1> OctoPack: -Verbosity Display this amount of details in the output: normal, quiet, detailed.
1> OctoPack: -NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
1> OctoPack:
1> OctoPack: For more information, visit
1> OctoPack:
1> OctoPack: OctoPack successful
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 26 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========