Octo.exe is being called from Team City, and I am passing through release notes - like this:
26/05/2015 17:41:18
updated packages.config xml
Which results in the error:
Unrecognized command arguments: border=1, style=width:100%>,
26/05/2015, 17:41:18
updated, packages.config, xml
My question is, as I do not want to have to resort to a release notes file, how do I pass html for the release notes - i.e do I need to apply some escaping / encoding to this argument?
The quotes that are entered are not honoured. The plugin actually ends up invoking Octo.exe without those quotes.
I tried to workaround this problem by not using the Team City plugin, and instead, using a new step (simple command line) to invoke Octo.exe directly - still couldn’t get this to work - I think it might me Team City removing these quotes…
The plugin for Team City is supposed to make things easier, but this unfortunate issue is giving me a headache!
Thanks for getting in touch. There does seem to be an issue when TeamCity calls Octo.exe with that html. It works though if you add the HTML to a file and then use the --releasenotesfile parameter. Usually the --releasenotes file alternative is recommended when its needed to pass in so many characters like you are trying to do as release notes.
I’ll discuss this with one of our devs and see what we can do about it.