Hey Paul,
I have an issue where I have a server which hosts both Dev and Pre-Prod currently. I specify OctopusPackageDirectoryPath on Dev, and expect that Pre-Prod will still be deployed as it will end up in a different spot.
I think Octopus needs to support this multi-tenant scenario, i.e transforms etc are all run after the files are copied to $OctopusPackageDirectoryPath or some other method.
Hi Jake,
Last night I actually just finished the work on a feature to allow this, which will be in the next release.
Previously, Tentacle extracted to:
From now on, it will extract to:
So for example:
That should alleviate this problem going forward.
I am curious about this though:
i.e transforms etc are all run after the files are copied to $OctopusPackageDirectoryPath or some other method
This should already work. Can you possibly post the output log?
That should be fine, the second issue/question was more I didn’t know what it did. After I posted I verified force works fine.
Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Paul Stovell
Sent: 18/05/2012 5:13 PM
To: jake@ginnivan.net
Subject: Re: Multi-Tenant Install [Problems]
Cool. I’ve changed the behavior of force as well. Previously if you had:
Force would wipe the directory before re-installing. But that fails if the processes are locked.
Instead it will now just create this:
So if you do a ‘forced’ deployment of the same package 3 times, you’ll get:
Later I’ll add the ability for Tentacle to automatically clean up the obsolete folders.