Missing Azure Type Steps from List in Pop Up


I have set up OD from scratch a couple of times; and this is the first time I have encountered this issue.
All the Azure Step types are not being displayed in the Pop Up (such as Azure Web App / Cloud Service / Azure Script…)

I have set up the Azure Account and uploaded the certificate (i can actually see the list of Web Apps and Cloud Services if I select an Azure deployment Target). However; as you can see in the attached screenshots; the Azure types are missing.

What am I doing wrong?


Hi Rico,

Thanks for getting in touch! Thanks for getting in touch! From your screenshot I am seeing the list of steps that can be used within a parent step.
Azure steps cannot be child steps as they do not have roles or machines so cannot be used in this scope.

Hope that helps!

Hi Vanessa

Thanks for the response.
The issue was that I had downloaded OD using a link in google and I was running version 3.0.xxx

Thanks anyway