Lost Tenant Variable Values

I’ve logged into Octopus Deploy this morning and all my production variables for my tenant are missing and will no longer allow me to save them. My other environments still all have values - Dev, QA and UAT, just not production. This is the only tenant that presently has a production environment, so I can’t be sure whether it’s just this tenant or whether it would affect all tenants.

My user is in the Octopus Managers role. I’ve also had another user who is also in the Octopus Managers role to verify and we can both confirm that not only can we no longer see these values, but neither of us can save anything into those values.

I can also confirm that I don’t have access to these values via the API either.

Did something change overnight? We’re on version 2019.8.3 but I can’t be sure when it was last updated.

Any swift help on this would be greatly appreciated.


Ben Alabaster