We have added a Linux host (Amazon Linux AMI 2) as a Octopus Worker and setup connectivity over SSH protocol. We have deployment pipeline where Teamcity Server send the .nupkg file to Octopus for deployment and during this deployment we having error mentioned “/home/ec2-user/.octopus/OctopusServer/Calamari/Cloud/4.14.5/Calamari.exe: cannot execute binary file The remote script failed with exit code 126”
We have installed all pre-requisite as mentioned at the guideline including .net core 2.0
We are also attaching the complete log files for the Octopus job. Please guide and assist us to resolve the issue.ServerTasks-188495.log.txt (15.2 KB)
Thanks for getting in touch, and I’m sorry that you’re having issues with your deployment process. From the looks of this, you’re attempting to run a terraform operation on a Linux worker over SSH, from Octopus 2019.2.2.
Sadly, SSH/Terraform steps were not supported on that version, with full compatibility being added in 2019.4.7 (You can find the issue and engineer comments on our GitHub issue list.)
Upgrading to a version newer than 2019.4.7 should let you overcome this hurdle.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
We upgraded to 2019.5.4 this morning. Unfortunately, the away has not gone away. I’ve attached the RAW log on the failing build. If you could have a look that would be great.
Looks like that might be an older log, as it’s from May 15th and 2019.2.2 - if you want to send through an updated log, I’ll happily take a look at this for you.