How to purge tentacles during check health?

We had our virtualized qa server go down hard, resulting in a complete rebuild (note this is just tentacles, not the Octopus server). After it was rebuilt, I installed the tentacle on the 2 qa servers, and then hit Check Health. I also had to update thumbprints.

Qa1 is now being reported 2 times during the check health, failing one and having the other be successful. The qa2 server being checked is also successful. How do I clean up the list that is being cached to control check health?

2013-06-19 20:53:58 INFO - http://qa1:10933/
2013-06-19 20:53:58 INFO - http://qa1:10933/
2013-06-19 20:53:58 INFO - http://qa2:10933/


It looks like you might have a ghost machine inside your Octopus database that is still using the old thumbprint, which is why it now does two checks (one with the new thumbprint, one with the old). You could try using the RavenDB admin console (go to the Configuration->Storage tab in Octopus) to manually delete the old machine.

Are you running a recent version of Octopus? This used to be a bug in an older release but we fixed it before 1.6.


I deleted them manually, and it looks like that helped. Hadn’t tried the Raven management plugin before. Nice. :slight_smile:

I was running 1.4.x when all of this went down, and just upgraded to 1.6 yesterday.

Thanks for the reply.