Our deployment server was restarted over the weekend (Octopus Deploy, and upon logging in to the web UI this morning, it seems that all Environments, Feeds, Project Groups, Projects and Deployments are missing. Users, Storage and License settings seem to have been retained, though.
Looking in the RavenDb management studio, my tasks and deployments seem to be there, but I can’t see anything via the UI.
I have projects to deploy this afternoon, so you can imagine the world of fun I’m currently living in. A speedy response would be appreciated!
That didn’t seem to help. I’ve still got no Environments or Projects, though the indexes did seem to rebuild (looking at the indexes tab in Raven)
This is becoming a critical issue for me now, as I’m not able to deploy some important changes to UAT, and I really don’t want to have to do things manually.
Thanks for the update, we’ll need to debug this. Would you be open to
conducting a shared screen session, so that you can show me the issue and I
can try to guide you to a resolution? We can use Skype or another
technology - whichever works for you.