I’m looking to have an Octopus project with 2 channels (A and B). The process for both channels is the same except for the first 2 steps. These steps extract a Nuget package from the internal Octopus feed. A extracts package “Foo”, B extracts “Bar”.
I have a Post-Deployment section in Step 1 and 2 that sets an Octopus variable ‘installLocation’.
$loc = Join-Path $OctopusParameters['Octopus.Action.Package.CustomInstallationDirectory'] "tools"
Set-OctopusVariable -name "installLocation" -value $loc
I’d like to use installLocation in further steps but reading the Output Variables documentation I’d need to know the step that the value was set, e.g.:
Octopus.Action[Download Foo].Output.TerraformConfigDir
OR Octopus.Action[Download Bar].Output.TerraformConfigDir
Is there any way that I can set a universal output value that I can access, that isn’t tied to a specific step? I’d like to avoid having channel specific steps for the rest of the steps, or having logic to workout which value is not null.