Microsoft Azure have started having timout issues and very slow re-packaging on cloud service packages that are packaged with the CSPack /useCtpPackageFormat switch. This does not seem to be optional in the Octopus.AzureCloudService step template as described here without loosing the ability to replace values for variables.
I’m looking for a way to disable the /useCtpPackageFormat switch and still be able to replace variables, is there a way to do this?
Unfortunately, at the moment this isn’t possible. This process needs to be enabled in order for variable substitution to function.
This is the second issue I’ve seen reporting slowness and timeouts when using CTP package format in the last couple days though, so I will raise this with our engineers to see if there is another solution here.
Thank you!
The issue started lets say 2 months back and has been verified by the Microsoft Azure Engineers as well. So I guess they introduced the performance issue, but their recommendation was to stop using this switch to mitigate the issue.
There are a lot of other services here as well that has the same issue with the cloud service deployment in Octopus because of this also.
I will cross my fingers and hope it could be a easy fix for your engineers
We had a look into this issue. Unfortunately there isn’t any change would could make on our end to fix this and also have the ability of variable substitution. I’ve added more detail in this public facing issue -