I have a Custom template and I want to pass the following octopus variable: #{Octopus.Action[Deploy OLSS_IM_CAR Package].Output.Package.InstallationDirectoryPath}
Is it possible to replace OLSS_IM_CAR with a Local octopus Variable?
Regards B.
You can do this in Octopus versions after 3.3.23. See https://octopus.com/docs/reference/variable-substitution-syntax#VariableSubstitutionSyntax-IndexReplacement for details. Note that the whole segment within the […] needs to be a single variable, but you can build that variable up from other variables.
So you could do something like, Delare variables: PackageName = "OLSS_IM_CAR" ActionName = “Deploy #{PackageName} Package”
Then use:
I hope that helps. Mark