I am trying to communicate our Octopus Server with Azure DevOps in order to push the package after a build into Octopus Server following your wonderful guide here:
Unfortunately, the Pipeline fails on the build with the error:
6T17:53:09.2706836Z Detected automation environment: "AzureDevOps"
2021-03-16T17:54:13.7528264Z System.Exception: Unable to connect to the Octopus Deploy server. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: No such host is known ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No such host is known
Actually, I noticed that when you try to select the Space it comes with nothing so I just tried filling it myself:
We have our Octopus Server just accessible via the Intranet, but not through the Internet, so I thought that may be the reason, which we needed to put Octopus visible externally. What I have read so far is that this is not really needed but I am struggling to set this up, as it can be seen in this example below:
I am not experienced in DevOps (I know just a little) so I would really appreciate your help with at least a bullet point list of what it would need to be configured. I can try then from that bullet point find more information.
My first question is, is this really feasible? Having the octopus server just in the Intranet and communicate it through a Service connection with DevOps? If so, could you please point me on the right direction in order to achieve this?
I know that you can set visibility of intranet machines in DevOps when you are adding them as a Deployment Pool where you run a PowerShell script for this. Would it be this something similar? -
If this is not feasible, what do you think it would be the best other option to achieve this, please? Could you please give me a brief list of what it should happen?
Many thanks.
Un saludo,