I need some help figuring this out.
We’re working with a modified GitFlow (ok just feature branches right now) and I need to improve how we test things. Right now, we make a pull request, which is reviewed and then put into develop which is then pushed to alpha (we have 1 lifecycle which is alpha-beta-production). Because we’re doing WebRTC work with native (iOS, Android and Windows) apps, we cannot reliably test things locally so we sometimes just deploy a branch to alpha.
What I want to is give every feature branch its own server automatically. So if I start working on feature/JIRA-1232_cool_new_feature
I’m going to be able to use jira-1232.example.com
for my local testing, and later the QA team and/or code reviewer can test that ticket in isolation before merging to develop.
Given the nature of this work, and corporate rules, I have to run these in our own datacentre and I can’t get programatic access to create new virtual machines. Since the web side of things is all proxied through nginx, I can run an arbitrary number of instances on a single box and point a wildcard at it.
Any suggestions?