Deploy process nerver end

hi, I try to deploy node app with pm2 and I find that sometimes the deploy process nerver end:

Deploying package 'D:\Octopus\Tentacle\Files\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.' to machine 'https://gbldnsrv9tw4205:10933/'
August 7th 2018 17:36:14Info
Deploying package:    D:\Octopus\Tentacle\Files\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Error
[PM2][Initialization] Environment variable HOME (Linux) or HOMEPATH (Windows) are not set!
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Error
[PM2][Initialization] Defaulting to /etc/.pm2
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Info
starting user-preference
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Error
[PM2][Initialization] Environment variable HOME (Linux) or HOMEPATH (Windows) are not set!
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Error
[PM2][Initialization] Defaulting to /etc/.pm2
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Info
[PM2] Starting D:\Octopus\Applications\Tentacle\QA\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference\\dist\index.js in fork_mode (1 instance)
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Info
[PM2] Done.
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Info
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Info
Ôöé App name        Ôöé id Ôöé mode Ôöé pid  Ôöé status Ôöé restart Ôöé uptime Ôöé cpu   Ôöé mem       Ôöé user                 Ôöé watching Ôöé
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Info
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Info
Ôöé user-preference Ôöé 0  Ôöé fork Ôöé 3252 Ôöé online Ôöé 0       Ôöé 0s     Ôöé 12.5% Ôöé 23.9 MB   Ôöé svc-gb-ldn-oc-tent-t Ôöé disabled Ôöé
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Info
August 7th 2018 17:36:45Info
 Use `pm2 show <id|name>` to get more details about an app
here is my post script:
$uid = "user-preference";

$str = pm2.cmd list | Select-String -Pattern "$uid";

if ($str) {
    pm2.cmd stop "$uid";
    pm2.cmd delete "$uid";

echo "starting $uid";
pm2.cmd start .\dist\index.js --name="$uid";
exit 0;


Hi Enhui.

Sorry to hear you’re having issues. Would it be possible for you to send us the raw task log of a deployment that didn’t finish? Hopefully that log will contain some answers.

Cam MacFarland

HI, distancam, here is my row messages:

Task ID:        ServerTasks-76377
Task status:    Canceled
Task queued:    07 August 2018 17:35
Task started:   07 August 2018 17:35
Task duration:  1 day
Server version: 3.17.1+Branch.master.Sha.434caf20746e16780a8fab99f2fd4f4894a7283e
Server node:    GBLDNSRV4PW4091

                    | == Failed: Deploy OilHub Node User Preference release to QA ==
17:35:52   Verbose  |   Guided failure is not enabled for this task
14:32:38   Info     |   Requesting cancellation...
                    |   == Success: Acquire packages ==
17:35:52   Info     |     Acquiring packages
17:35:52   Info     |     Making a list of packages to acquire
17:35:52   Verbose  |     No packages are required on the Octopus Server
17:35:52   Info     |     Delta compression is enabled for package transfers from the Octopus Server to deployment targets
17:35:52   Verbose  |     Upload Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference. to GBLDNSRV9TW4205
17:35:52   Verbose  |     Checking package cache for package Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.
17:35:52   Info     |     Package Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference. was found in cache. No need to download.
17:35:52   Verbose  |     Using file: D:\Octopus\OctopusServer\PackageCache\feeds-octopus-artifactory-beta\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.
17:36:13   Info     |     All packages have been acquired
17:36:13   Verbose  |     Acquire Packages completed
                    |     Success: GBLDNSRV9TW4205
                    |       Success: Upload package Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.
17:36:07   Verbose  |         Octopus Deploy: Calamari version 3.7.105
17:36:07   Verbose  |         Environment Information:
17:36:07   Verbose  |         OperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0
17:36:07   Verbose  |         OsBitVersion: x64
17:36:07   Verbose  |         Is64BitProcess: True
17:36:07   Verbose  |         CurrentUser: ANYACCESS\svc-gb-ldn-oc-tent-t
17:36:07   Verbose  |         MachineName: GBLDNSRV9TW4205
17:36:07   Verbose  |         ProcessorCount: 2
17:36:07   Verbose  |         CurrentDirectory: D:\Octopus\Tentacle\Work\20180807163607-76377-3
17:36:07   Verbose  |         TempDirectory: C:\Users\svc-gb-ldn-oc-tent-t\AppData\Local\Temp\
17:36:07   Verbose  |         HostProcessName: Calamari
17:36:08   Verbose  |         Package Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference version hash a05cffb87ce5e43c4aaac3e37baf839681234bea has not been uploaded.
17:36:08   Verbose  |         Finding earlier packages that have been uploaded to this Tentacle.
17:36:08   Verbose  |         Found 1 earlier version of Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference on this Tentacle
17:36:08   Verbose  |         - D:\Octopus\Tentacle\Files\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.
17:36:08   Info     |         Found matching version D:\Octopus\OctopusServer\PackageCache\feeds-octopus-artifactory-beta\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.
17:36:13   Info     |         Delta for package Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference. successfully uploaded and applied.
                    |         Success: Building delta for Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.
17:36:08   Info     |           Using package D:\Octopus\OctopusServer\PackageCache\feeds-octopus-artifactory-beta\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference. with hash 83e03992233658c017ac6ce07b3299d35f747554 for creating delta.
17:36:08   Verbose  |           Signature file Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference. already exists, using D:\Octopus\OctopusServer\PackageCache\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.
17:36:08   Verbose  |           Delta file Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference. already exists, using file D:\Octopus\OctopusServer\PackageCache\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.
17:36:08   Info     |           Original package was 19.213 MB, delta file is 8.919 MB (53.58% size reduction).
                    |           Success: Uploading and applying delta Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.
17:36:09   Verbose  |             Octopus Deploy: Calamari version 3.7.105
17:36:09   Verbose  |             Environment Information:
17:36:09   Verbose  |             OperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0
17:36:09   Verbose  |             OsBitVersion: x64
17:36:09   Verbose  |             Is64BitProcess: True
17:36:09   Verbose  |             CurrentUser: ANYACCESS\svc-gb-ldn-oc-tent-t
17:36:09   Verbose  |             MachineName: GBLDNSRV9TW4205
17:36:09   Verbose  |             ProcessorCount: 2
17:36:09   Verbose  |             CurrentDirectory: D:\Octopus\Tentacle\Work\20180807163608-76377-4
17:36:09   Verbose  |             TempDirectory: C:\Users\svc-gb-ldn-oc-tent-t\AppData\Local\Temp\
17:36:09   Verbose  |             HostProcessName: Calamari
17:36:09   Info     |             Applying delta to D:\Octopus\Tentacle\Files\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference. with hash 83e03992233658c017ac6ce07b3299d35f747554 and storing as D:\Octopus\Tentacle\Files\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.
17:36:13   Info     |             Applying delta: 0%
17:36:13   Info     |             Applying delta: 10%
17:36:13   Info     |             Applying delta: 20%
17:36:13   Info     |             Applying delta: 30%
17:36:13   Info     |             Applying delta: 40%
17:36:13   Info     |             Applying delta: 50%
17:36:13   Info     |             Applying delta: 60%
17:36:13   Info     |             Applying delta: 70%
17:36:13   Info     |             Applying delta: 80%
                    |   == Failed: Step 1: Node Package ==
23:35:30   Fatal    |     The step failed: This task has been canceled.
23:35:30   Info     |     The operation was canceled.
                    |     Failed: GBLDNSRV9TW4205
17:36:14   Verbose  |       Octopus Server version: 3.17.1+Branch.master.Sha.434caf20746e16780a8fab99f2fd4f4894a7283e
17:36:14   Verbose  |       Environment Information:
                    |       OperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0
                    |       OsBitVersion: x64
                    |       Is64BitProcess: True
                    |       CurrentUser: ANYACCESS\SVC-GB-LDN-OC-SERV-P
                    |       MachineName: GBLDNSRV4PW4091
                    |       ProcessorCount: 4
                    |       CurrentDirectory: C:\Windows\system32
                    |       TempDirectory: C:\Users\SVC-GB-LDN-OC-SERV-P\AppData\Local\Temp\
                    |       HostProcessName: Octopus.Server
                    |       PID: 1556
17:36:14   Info     |       Deploying package 'D:\Octopus\Tentacle\Files\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.' to machine 'https://gbldnsrv9tw4205:10933/'
17:36:14   Verbose  |       Octopus Deploy: Calamari version 3.7.105
17:36:14   Verbose  |       Environment Information:
17:36:14   Verbose  |       OperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0
17:36:14   Verbose  |       OsBitVersion: x64
17:36:14   Verbose  |       Is64BitProcess: True
17:36:14   Verbose  |       CurrentUser: ANYACCESS\svc-gb-ldn-oc-tent-t
17:36:14   Verbose  |       MachineName: GBLDNSRV9TW4205
17:36:14   Verbose  |       ProcessorCount: 2
17:36:14   Verbose  |       CurrentDirectory: D:\Octopus\Tentacle\Work\20180807163614-76377-5
17:36:14   Verbose  |       TempDirectory: C:\Users\svc-gb-ldn-oc-tent-t\AppData\Local\Temp\
17:36:14   Verbose  |       HostProcessName: Calamari
17:36:14   Info     |       Deploying package:    D:\Octopus\Tentacle\Files\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference.
17:36:15   Verbose  |       Extracting package to: D:\Octopus\Applications\Tentacle\QA\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference\
17:36:36   Verbose  |       Extracted 12750 files
17:36:36   Verbose  |       Looking for appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings in any .config files
17:36:36   Verbose  |       The package has been installed to: D:\Octopus\Applications\Tentacle\QA\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference\
17:36:36   Verbose  |       If you would like the package to be installed to an alternative location, please specify the variable 'Octopus.Action.Package.CustomInstallationDirectory'
17:36:36   Verbose  |       Executing 'D:\Octopus\Applications\Tentacle\QA\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference\\Octopus.Action.CustomScripts.PostDeploy.ps1'
17:36:40   Verbose  |       Name                           Value
17:36:40   Verbose  |       ----                           -----
17:36:40   Verbose  |       PSVersion                      5.1.14393.2368
17:36:40   Verbose  |       PSEdition                      Desktop
17:36:40   Verbose  |       PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
17:36:40   Verbose  |       BuildVersion                   10.0.14393.2368
17:36:40   Verbose  |       CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
17:36:40   Verbose  |       WSManStackVersion              3.0
17:36:40   Verbose  |       PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3
17:36:40   Verbose  |       SerializationVersion 
17:36:40   Verbose  |       PowerShell Environment Information:
17:36:40   Verbose  |       OperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0
17:36:40   Verbose  |       OsBitVersion: x64
17:36:40   Verbose  |       Is64BitProcess: True
17:36:40   Verbose  |       CurrentUser: ANYACCESS\svc-gb-ldn-oc-tent-t
17:36:40   Verbose  |       MachineName: GBLDNSRV9TW4205
17:36:40   Verbose  |       ProcessorCount: 2
17:36:40   Verbose  |       CurrentDirectory: D:\Octopus\Applications\Tentacle\QA\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference\
17:36:40   Verbose  |       CurrentLocation: D:\Octopus\Applications\Tentacle\QA\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference\
17:36:40   Verbose  |       TempDirectory: C:\Users\svc-gb-ldn-oc-tent-t\AppData\Local\Temp\
17:36:40   Verbose  |       HostProcessName: powershell
17:36:40   Verbose  |       TotalPhysicalMemory: 16776756 KB
17:36:40   Verbose  |       AvailablePhysicalMemory: 14586636 KB
17:36:45   Error    |       [PM2][Initialization] Environment variable HOME (Linux) or HOMEPATH (Windows) are not set!
17:36:45   Error    |       [PM2][Initialization] Defaulting to /etc/.pm2
17:36:45   Info     |       starting user-preference
17:36:45   Error    |       [PM2][Initialization] Environment variable HOME (Linux) or HOMEPATH (Windows) are not set!
17:36:45   Error    |       [PM2][Initialization] Defaulting to /etc/.pm2
17:36:45   Info     |       [PM2] Starting D:\Octopus\Applications\Tentacle\QA\Glencore.OilHub.Frontend.Node.UserPreference\\dist\index.js in fork_mode (1 instance)
17:36:45   Info     |       [PM2] Done.
17:36:45   Info     |       Ôöé App name        Ôöé id Ôöé mode Ôöé pid  Ôöé status Ôöé restart Ôöé uptime Ôöé cpu   Ôöé mem       Ôöé user                 Ôöé watching Ôöé
17:36:45   Info     |       Ôöé user-preference Ôöé 0  Ôöé fork Ôöé 3252 Ôöé online Ôöé 0       Ôöé 0s     Ôöé 12.5% Ôöé 23.9 MB   Ôöé svc-gb-ldn-oc-tent-t Ôöé disabled Ôöé
17:36:45   Info     |       Use `pm2 show <id|name>` to get more details about an app
23:35:30   Fatal    |       Node Package on GBLDNSRV9TW4205

Looks like we’ll need to troubleshoot this some more. If you put an echo at the end of the pm2 start does that appear in the logs?

We have a example of using pm2 in our documentation -

This example uses pm2 show instead of pm2 list. Maybe that could be the problem?

Hope that helps.

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