I just recently upgraded my OD server and tentacles to 2.1. When I attempt to run my deployment, it fails on the DBUP step, which I fired off using a powershell script included in the project. This used to work in 1.6. Here is the output.
Task ID: ServerTasks-271
Task status: Failed
Task queued: Friday, March 14, 2014 9:57 AM
Task started: Friday, March 14, 2014 9:57 AM
Task duration: 11 seconds
| Failed: Deploy Home School Registry release to Staging
09:57:51 Verbose | Packages acquired
09:57:53 Verbose | First chance failure detected in: Running step “Database” on “MERLIN3”…
| One or more items in the current operation failed.
09:57:53 Verbose | An operation in “Database” failed
| Operation: Running step "Database" on "MERLIN3" failed with error: One or more items in the current operation failed.
09:57:53 Verbose | Step “Website” runs only when all previous steps succeeded; skipping
09:57:53 Verbose | Database completed
09:57:53 Fatal | A step failed
09:57:53 Verbose | The task failed
| Success: Acquire packages
09:57:42 Info | Downloading packages
09:57:42 Info | Making a list of packages to download
09:57:42 Verbose | The following packages will be downloaded by the Octopus Server:
09:57:42 Verbose | - HomeSchoolRegistry.Database (feed: TeamCity)
09:57:42 Verbose | - HomeSchoolRegistry (feed: TeamCity)
09:57:42 Verbose | The following packages will be downloaded directly by Tentacles:
09:57:51 Info | All packages have been downloaded
| Success: Download package HomeSchoolRegistry.Database from NuGet feed: TeamCity
09:57:42 Info | Downloading NuGet package HomeSchoolRegistry.Database from feed: ‘’
09:57:42 Verbose | Downloaded packages will be stored in: C:\Octopus\PackageCache\feeds-1
09:57:42 Verbose | Finding package (attempt 1 of 5)
09:57:43 Verbose | Found package HomeSchoolRegistry.Database version
09:57:43 Verbose | Downloading to: C:\Octopus\PackageCache\feeds-1\HomeSchoolRegistry.Database.
09:57:43 Verbose | SHA1 hash of package is: 4ecb0f1edaacc7dbbebe208be1c2fcf3f0cc4d2a
09:57:43 Verbose | Determining machines that need the package
| Success: Upload package to SQ-MERLIN3-9E370098
09:57:43 Verbose | Starting Upload package to SQ-MERLIN3-9E370098
09:57:43 Info | Uploading HomeSchoolRegistry.Database. (0.03 MB) to SQ-MERLIN3-9E370098
09:57:43 Verbose | Uploading package HomeSchoolRegistry.Database to tentacle SQ-MERLIN3-9E370098
09:57:43 Verbose | Requesting upload…
09:57:49 Verbose | File C:\Octopus\PackageCache\feeds-1\HomeSchoolRegistry.Database. with hash 4ecb0f1edaacc7dbbebe208be1c2fcf3f0cc4d2a successfully uploaded to SQ-MERLIN3-9E370098
09:57:49 Verbose | Storing the uploaded file in the package cache
09:57:49 Verbose | Storing C:\Octopus\Files\HomeSchoolRegistry.Database. as package Octopus.Platform.Deployment.Packages.PackageMetadata
09:57:49 Info | Package HomeSchoolRegistry.Database successfully uploaded to tentacle SQ-MERLIN3-9E370098
| Success: Download package HomeSchoolRegistry from NuGet feed: TeamCity
09:57:42 Info | Downloading NuGet package HomeSchoolRegistry from feed: ‘’
09:57:43 Verbose | Downloaded packages will be stored in: C:\Octopus\PackageCache\feeds-1
09:57:43 Verbose | Finding package (attempt 1 of 5)
09:57:43 Verbose | Found package HomeSchoolRegistry version
09:57:43 Verbose | Downloading to: C:\Octopus\PackageCache\feeds-1\HomeSchoolRegistry.
09:57:43 Verbose | SHA1 hash of package is: 9e2c015f0574604568a85212622681f34ba63e66
09:57:43 Verbose | Determining machines that need the package
| Success: Upload package to SQ-MERLIN3-9E370098
09:57:43 Verbose | Starting Upload package to SQ-MERLIN3-9E370098
09:57:43 Info | Uploading HomeSchoolRegistry. (5.18 MB) to SQ-MERLIN3-9E370098
09:57:43 Verbose | Uploading package HomeSchoolRegistry to tentacle SQ-MERLIN3-9E370098
09:57:43 Verbose | Requesting upload…
09:57:51 Verbose | File C:\Octopus\PackageCache\feeds-1\HomeSchoolRegistry. with hash 9e2c015f0574604568a85212622681f34ba63e66 successfully uploaded to SQ-MERLIN3-9E370098
09:57:51 Verbose | Storing the uploaded file in the package cache
09:57:51 Verbose | Storing C:\Octopus\Files\HomeSchoolRegistry. as package Octopus.Platform.Deployment.Packages.PackageMetadata
09:57:51 Info | Package HomeSchoolRegistry successfully uploaded to tentacle SQ-MERLIN3-9E370098
| Failed: Step 1: Database
09:57:51 Info | Executing step: Database
09:57:53 Fatal | The step failed
| Failed: MERLIN3
09:57:51 Verbose | Starting Running step “Database” on “MERLIN3”
09:57:52 Info | Running “Database” on “MERLIN3”
09:57:53 Verbose | Guided Failure is not in use for this deployment; failing.
| Failed: Deploy HomeSchoolRegistry.Database on MERLIN3
09:57:52 Info | Beginning deployment…
09:57:52 Verbose | Begin deployment of package: HomeSchoolRegistry.Database.
| Package file path: C:\Octopus\Applications\.Tentacle\Packages\HomeSchoolRegistry.Database.
| Package file hash: 4ecb0f1edaacc7dbbebe208be1c2fcf3f0cc4d2a
| Tentacle Agent information:
| - Machine name: MERLIN3
| - Is 64-bit: True
| - Service user name: SYSTEM
| - CLR version: 4.0.30319.18052
| - Current directory: C:\Windows\system32
| - OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2
| - Tentacle version:
09:57:52 Verbose | Package will be extracted to: C:\Octopus\Applications\Staging
09:57:52 Verbose | Looking for appSettings and connectionStrings in any .config files
09:57:52 Verbose | Scanning configuration file: C:\Octopus\Applications\Staging\HomeSchoolRegistry.Database\\HomeSchoolRegistry.Database.exe.config
09:57:53 Error | Error running conventions; running rollback conventions…
09:57:53 Verbose | Storing a record of the deployment.
09:57:53 Verbose | Failed receiving Octopus.Tentacle.Orchestration.Deploy.Mutex.AcquiredEvent
| A convention could not be successfully applied.
| Octopus.Platform.Deployment.ControlledFailureException: A convention could not be successfully applied. ---> Octopus.Tentacle.Deployment.Integration.Scripting.ScriptFailureException: Script 'C:\Windows\system32\#{OctopusPackageDirectoryPath}\Deploy.ps1' returned non-zero exit code: 5888. Deployment terminated.
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Deployment.Conventions.Implementations.ScriptConvention.<>c__DisplayClass1.<RunScripts>b__0(IConventionContext cc) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Deployment\Conventions\Implementations\ScriptConvention.cs:line 66
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Deployment.Conventions.ConventionContextExtensions.RunChildOperation(IConventionContext context, String friendlyName, Action`1 operation) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Deployment\Conventions\ConventionContextExtensions.cs:line 15
| --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Deployment.Conventions.ConventionContextExtensions.RunChildOperation(IConventionContext context, String friendlyName, Action`1 operation) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Deployment\Conventions\ConventionContextExtensions.cs:line 28
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Deployment.Conventions.Implementations.ScriptConvention.RunScripts(IEnumerable`1 scriptFiles, IConventionContext context) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Deployment\Conventions\Implementations\ScriptConvention.cs:line 36
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Deployment.Conventions.Implementations.DeployScriptConvention.Install(IConventionContext context) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Deployment\Conventions\Implementations\DeployScriptConvention.cs:line 15
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Deployment.Conventions.ConventionProcessor.<RunInstallConventions>b__0(IInstallationConvention c, IConventionContext ctx) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Deployment\Conventions\ConventionProcessor.cs:line 60
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Deployment.Conventions.ConventionProcessor.Run[TConvention](IConventionContext context, Action`2 conventionCallback) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Deployment\Conventions\ConventionProcessor.cs:line 84
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Deployment.Conventions.ConventionProcessor.RunConventions(IConventionContext context) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Deployment\Conventions\ConventionProcessor.cs:line 51
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Deployment.DeploymentController.Execute(StoredPackage package, VariableDictionary variables, ILog log, Action`1 storeCreatedArtifact) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Deployment\DeploymentController.cs:line 55
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Orchestration.Deploy.Package.TentaclePackageDeployment.Receive(AcquiredEvent message) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1116bd9da9e239fd\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Orchestration\Deploy\Package\TentaclePackageDeployment.cs:line 96
| at Pipefish.Actor.OnReceivingTyped[TBody](Message message) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\cf0b1f41263b24b9\source\Pipefish\Actor.cs:line 113
09:57:53 Fatal | A convention could not be successfully applied.
| Success: Updating HomeSchoolRegistry.Database.exe.config
09:57:52 Info | Updating appSettings and connectionStrings in: C:\Octopus\Applications\Staging\HomeSchoolRegistry.Database\\HomeSchoolRegistry.Database.exe.config
09:57:52 Info | Setting //[local-name()=‘connectionStrings’]/[local-name()=‘add’][@name=‘HomeSchoolRegistryConnectionString’] to ‘Data Source=\IDOESQLSTAGE,1450;Initial Catalog=HomeSchoolRegistry;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=homeschool;Password=homeschool’
| Success: Copy files to C:\Windows\system32\#{OctopusPackageDirectoryPath}
09:57:52 Info | Copying package contents to ‘C:\Windows\system32#{OctopusPackageDirectoryPath}’
| Failed: Deploy.ps1
09:57:52 Verbose | Script: C:\Windows\system32#{OctopusPackageDirectoryPath}\Deploy.ps1
09:57:53 Fatal | Script ‘C:\Windows\system32#{OctopusPackageDirectoryPath}\Deploy.ps1’ returned non-zero exit code: 5888. Deployment terminated.
| Skipped: Step 2: Website
Any suggestions or reasons why this would not be working???