I’m trying to move my Octopus installation to a new server. I have backed up my database using the Export Wizard and am restoring it via the Import Wizard within the Octopus Manager. All looks fine until the SQL script fails with the following error:
Error: 6 errors were encountered
Error: Channels-5: Version rules must specify a package step
Error: Channels-46: Version rules must specify a package step
Error: Channels-85: Version rules must specify a package step
Error: Channels-6: Version rules must specify a package step
Error: Channels-47: Version rules must specify a package step
Error: Channels-84: Version rules must specify a package step
Error: The transaction will be rolled back
Error: 6 errors were encountered
Error: The previous command returned a non-zero exit code of: 1
Error: The command that failed was: “C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Octopus\Octopus.Migrator.exe” import --instance “OctopusServer” --directory “C:\Temp\Octopus.2018-11-14\Octopus.2018-11-14” --password “xxxxx” --overwrite
I’ve found the channels in question and all of them have a channel version set, as per the attached image. Please advise what I’m doing wrong, or perhaps this is an import or export error?
Migrator assembly version 2018.9.2+Branch.master.Sha.4ff03b1d32129607ad4d41e92b4dd770697ed6a2
How did you go moving your database with the help of our documentation?
Regarding the error you saw: @Michael_Richardson and I were looking at this earlier. Our working theory is that you are trying to migrate data between different versions of Octopus Server. Can you confirm which versions of Octopus Server you were running on the Source and Destination?
Further to your earlier comment, I’ll try the SQL export/import instead (if I get can SSMS onto the old machine). Failing that I’ll upgrade the instance and try the export/import wizard again.
Thanks for keeping in touch. If you are indeed trying to move your entire server and its data, I would strongly recommend the SQL database backup/restore approach.