For some reason we are just unable to connect to a linux node via SSH.
The error says this on every health check
"Could not connect to SSH endpoint: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond "
And this has been for long in dev environment but we managed to do it manually running the scripts as a part of the process.
Similar setup working just fine with Stage and Prod environment.
This is really strange why it should fail… Can you help here ?
Thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear that you’ve run into this issue with your health checks.
It’s interesting that a similar setup works fine with Stage and Prod, but not Dev. I’m wondering if it could be something similar to this bug where the health check isn’t retrying because of how the machine polices are configured (explanation in this comment).
Could you try that and let me know how you get on, please?
Thank you for that !
But what this does is marks the node healthy even though its not reachable. Effectively it is still not reachable to make a deploy.
I created a new policy only for this node and the policy did not run any powershell custom script. Only checked for connectivity with the condition set to not fail health check if connectivity fails.
And this is what i get !
Thank you for checking that. Could you check that the account for the SSH Key Pair is scoped to the correct environments, please? It may be that it is only scoped for Stage and Prod.
You can check this by going to Infrastructure > Accounts > Add Account > SSH Key Pair and you can select the environments here:
It is in fact scoped correctly to the Dev environment. We have 3 different accounts one each for Dev, Stage and Prod.
Like I said its exactly same setup as for other environments but somehow it doesn’t work for Dev.
I suspected network or port issue between the Octopus Server and Dev node, but then I ran a network tool to test the connectivity from Octopus Server VM to the Dev node VM and it was successful.
I believe a connection other way round is not necessary !
Thank you for trying that. I’m wondering if it might be an issue with the SSH key pair - it may be worth re-adding target and following the steps here to add a new SSH key pair account.
If that doesn’t resolve the issue, could you send over the raw log for the health check, please? There may be something in there that might help point us in the right direction. Please remember to remove any sensitive information before uploadig the file.
Sorry i took so long to get back but not good times and i was on leave !
However, after returning back to work i tried your suggestion and it worked.
I had to create new SSH key and also there was port issue as well which i fixed and then it could connect now to the node.
So all good now, thanks
Stay Safe !