Check System Integrity > Schema > Failed

I’ve seen several of these errors in the Tasks window. This is what is logged:

Unexpected item: VIEW sys.database_firewall_rules.create_date datetime(8/23/3) 0
Unexpected item: VIEW sys.database_firewall_rules.end_ip_address varchar(45/0/0) 0
Unexpected item: VIEW int(4/10/0) 0
Unexpected item: VIEW sys.database_firewall_rules.modify_date datetime(8/23/3) 0
Unexpected item: VIEW sysname(256/0/0) 0
Unexpected item: VIEW sys.database_firewall_rules.start_ip_address varchar(45/0/0) 0


Thanks for getting in touch! You can ignore these errors. It appears that Azure SQL includes some sys tables in the Octopus database.
In our next release we have a change to ignore these tables and not write this error.
You can track the issue here:

Sorry for the false warnings.