I’m trying to follow instructions for “manually” installing a package using Tentacle.exe (, but none of the examples I find seems to work. First of all it seems I have to use --console to even get it to run from the command line. But it doesn’t seem to understand the command deploy-package. Also, when I run:
.\tentacle.exe help --command
“deploy-package” isn’t listed in the help. Did something change in the latest version?
“For a long time deploy-package never really worked because there were too many variables needed to make it work properly, so recently we removed it. But this feature is used by a few people. Let’s think of a nice way to bring this back.”
So here’s my vote to fix this! We want to use it for being able to test packages locally or with a vagrant provisioning script.
In which version was this removed? I’m considering downgrading for now.
Arrgh - that’s a crying shame! I just recently discovered a use for this to try to help our automated build pipeline and our strategy of Continuous System Testing: we had been using Jenkins to call Octo.exe to push builds to a particular test environment but were finding limitations with respect to the polling nature of Octo.exe. Plus in using a Jenkins agent to triger an Octopus deploy, our build/deploy logs are spread over two systems. Allowing a Jenkins agent to do a command line deploy using the tentacle, we get logging all in one place.
We are still using octo 1.6 so I could use the feature, but am reluctant to do this now if it’s gone in 2.3…
(perhaps it’s not needed if Octo.exe can target specific machines rather than environments in 2.x…)