If i use the variable name filter to fine a var i can only see the environment scoping, not the step (or other) scopes. In this case i need to edit the scopes and have to fine the var the hard way. Not a HUGE deal but im lazy
Hi Tim,
Thanks for getting in touch! It looks like you could be running into this recently fixed issue. We had a problem with the variable editor cutting off the row, including the change type and open editor boxes when setting the value.
In order to resolve this, you will need to upgrade to at least Octopus 2018.11.1. We have also applied this fix to the LTS release. (2018.10.1)
Let me know if this helps, or if you have any further questions here.
Best regards,
Shoot, sorry, I missed that there was a bug already on this but thanks for the pointer to the .11 branch, when we went to 10 octopus stopped telling up there were updates (which makes sense now that im thinking about it) but I just thought you didn’t have anything out yet this year.
Well upgrade…. Soon I hope
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the update here! If you are still experiencing any issues with this after the upgrade, don’t hesitate to let me know.
Best regards,
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