I’ll need to get some more information to help identify the root cause of the issue.
In step 4 you say that you are pushing the package to the Octopus server. Is this done via the Octopus TFS plugin (which calls the Octo.exe cli tool), or with another tool like Octopack (which uploads packages via the nuget tool)? If you could supply a screenshot of the TFS build process that would be helpful.
I didn’t try Octopus CLI. I will play around with that today.
No, The Octopus server is configured to be HTTP. ( I am able to access the Octopus server(which is on Azure vm) dashboard from my local network )
Not really sure about the proxies. But I am sure should not be a problem.
Additionally, I tried installing octopus server on local machine i.e. the VSTS and Octopus are on same network and it still fails to push the package to octopus at step 4( using push packages to octopus).
The error SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO would seem to indicate that the extension is trying to make a secure connection via HTTPS, but your server is only exposed via HTTP.
Can you click the Manage link next to the Octopus Deploy Server option and paste in the screenshot of the connection details. E.g. like the screenshot below.
Can you also try adding the Octopus tools installer step before the Push Package to Octopus step. The tools installer will gracefully fall back to using an embedded copy of the Octopus CLI if the attempt to automatically download it fails, which removes one other possible point of failure.
Hi @rizwans , that issue looks like the drop down list didn’t populate the project ID correctly. Can you click the View YAML button and see what value is assigned to the Project Name field.
If the Project Name is not in the format Project-###, try using the refresh button (the circular arrow) next to the Project Name field. This will get a fresh list of projects from the server.
The error message in that screenshot is incorrect because of a bug. I’ve created a task to fix that message, and we’ll release a new version of the plugin. I’ll let you know when the new version has been released.
In the mean time you can try falling back to version 2 of the plugin (using the Version drop down list at the top of the step) and see if that resolves the issue for you.
@Matthew_Casperson This is really insane I can only pick one version from the drop down. Can I just manually enter version 2 or is there any other way I can fall back to ver 2
My apologies. TFS servers that have upgraded for version 2 to 3 of the plugin can still use version 2, but I see that is not the case here.
We have released version 3.0.194 of the TFS plugin, which fixes up the way the previous error was reported. Unfortunately this won’t resolve your issue, but the new error log will show us some more information. Are you able to update to the latest version, run the create release step again, and paste in a copy of the log screenshot like before. In particular the error Could not resolve project name given id is what we are looking for in the logs.
@Matthew_Casperson I am not able to update to latest version either. But guess what I have found a workaround for this. Instead of selecting the project name from the drop down, I manually entered the name and it worked.