I keep getting an error that is saying user cannot login. I have tried multiple variations of my configuration and cannot seem to make it work.
Task ID: ServerTasks-1474
Task status: Failed
Task queued: Tuesday, November 4, 2014 3:06 PM
Task started: Tuesday, November 4, 2014 3:06 PM
Task duration: 4 seconds
| Failed: Deploy 000-000-TestWeb release 1.0.0 to Development
15:06:17 Verbose | Packages acquired
15:06:19 Verbose | First chance failure detected in: Run step “FTP to Dev”…
| One or more items in the current operation failed.
| Octopus.Server version
15:06:19 Verbose | An operation in “FTP to Dev” failed
| Operation: Run step “FTP to Dev” failed with error: One or more items in the current operation failed.
| Octopus.Server version
15:06:19 Verbose | FTP to Dev completed
15:06:19 Fatal | A step failed
15:06:19 Verbose | The task failed
| Success: Acquire packages
15:06:16 Info | Downloading packages
15:06:16 Info | Making a list of packages to download
15:06:16 Verbose | The following packages will be downloaded by the Octopus Server:
15:06:16 Verbose | - 000-000-TestWeb1 1.0.0 (feed: Octopus Server (built-in))
15:06:16 Verbose | The following packages will be downloaded directly by Tentacles:
15:06:17 Info | All packages have been downloaded
| Success: Package 000-000-TestWeb1 1.0.0 from NuGet feed: Octopus Server (built-in)
15:06:16 Verbose | Starting Acquire package 000-000-TestWeb1.1.0.0
15:06:16 Info | Looking up the package location from in the built-in package repository…
15:06:17 Verbose | SHA1 hash of package is: 62b47477d783b3441f9a3110d075cd1ae2e677ef
15:06:17 Verbose | Determining machines that need the package
| Success: Upload package to
15:06:17 Verbose | Starting Upload package to
15:06:17 Info | Uploading 000-000-TestWeb1.1.0.0 (0.00 MB) to SQ-SF-DEPLOY-85ACEEA0
15:06:17 Verbose | Checking to see if the package is present on the tentacle
15:06:17 Info | Package 000-000-TestWeb1 1.0.0 with hash 62b47477d783b3441f9a3110d075cd1ae2e677ef has already been uploaded to tentacle SQ-SF-DEPLOY-85ACEEA0
| Failed: Step 1: FTP to Dev
15:06:17 Info | Executing step: FTP to Dev
15:06:17 Verbose | Starting Run step "FTP to Dev"
15:06:17 Info | Running “FTP to Dev” on "FTP"
15:06:19 Verbose | Guided Failure is not in use for this deployment; failing.
15:06:19 Fatal | The step failed
| Failed: Deploy 000-000-TestWeb1 on FTP
15:06:17 Info | Beginning deployment…
15:06:17 Verbose | Begin deployment of package: 000-000-TestWeb1.1.0.0
| Package file path: C:\OctopusTentacle\Applications.Tentacle\Packages\000-000-TestWeb1.1.0.0_37D917D8C8C14E4084FC1EE11DEC3699.nupkg
| Package file hash: 62b47477d783b3441f9a3110d075cd1ae2e677ef
| Tentacle Agent information:
| - Machine name: SF-DEPLOY
| - Is 64-bit: True
| - Service user name: SYSTEM
| - CLR version: 4.0.30319.34011
| - Current directory: C:\Windows\system32
| - OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
| - Tentacle version:
15:06:17 Verbose | Package will be extracted to: C:\OctopusTentacle\Applications\Development
15:06:17 Verbose | The package is already installed, a directory name suffix will be used.
15:06:17 Verbose | Installing package 000-000-TestWeb1.1.0.0 from uploaded package cache into C:\OctopusTentacle\Applications\Development\000-000-TestWeb1\1.0.0_53
15:06:17 Verbose | 1 files were extracted from the package
15:06:17 Verbose | Initial variable evaluation performed.
15:06:17 Verbose | Variables have been fully evaluated.
15:06:17 Verbose | Running procedure 'Delete temporary package files’
15:06:18 Verbose | Looking for any configuration transformation files
15:06:19 Error | Error running conventions; running failure conventions…
15:06:19 Fatal | Deployment on the Tentacle failed.
15:06:19 Verbose | Storing a record of the deployment.
| Failed: FTP site ftps://waws-prod-blu-009.ftp.azurewebsites.windows.net
15:06:18 Info | Connecting…
15:06:18 Verbose | Connecting…
15:06:18 Verbose | —> AUTH TLS
15:06:18 Verbose | —> PBSZ 0
15:06:18 Verbose | —> PROT P
15:06:18 Verbose | —> USER testweb1-ftpuser
15:06:18 Verbose | —> PASS ********
15:06:19 Verbose | —> QUIT
15:06:19 Verbose | Connection closed
15:06:19 Error | Unable to connect: User cannot log in. (code=530) (code=530)
15:06:19 Fatal | User cannot log in. (code=530) (code=530)
| EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.FTPAuthenticationException: User cannot log in. (code=530) (code=530)
| at EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.FTPClient.Password(String password)
| at EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.FTPConnection.PerformAutoLogin()
| at EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.ExFTPConnection.PerformAutoLogin()
| at EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.SecureFTPConnection.Connect()
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Integration.Ftp.FtpSynchronizer.SynchronizationSession.ConnectAndSynchronize() in y:\work\refs\heads\master\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Integration\Ftp\FtpSynchronizer.cs:line 99
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Integration.Ftp.FtpSynchronizer.SynchronizationSession.Execute() in y:\work\refs\heads\master\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Integration\Ftp\FtpSynchronizer.cs:line 89
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Integration.Ftp.FtpSynchronizer.Synchronize(FtpSynchronizationSettings settings) in y:\work\refs\heads\master\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Integration\Ftp\FtpSynchronizer.cs:line 16
| at Octopus.Tentacle.Procedures.Implementations.Ftp.FtpUploadProcedure.Upload(ProcedureState state, CancellationToken cancel) in y:\work\refs\heads\master\source\Octopus.Tentacle\Procedures\Implementations\Ftp\FtpUploadProcedure.cs:line 69
| at Pipefish.Async.CaptiveThread1.ThreadAction(Action
2 action, Guid operationId, IActivitySpace space, Guid captiveThreadId) in y:\work\3cbe05672d69a231\source\Pipefish\Async\CaptiveThread.cs:line 114
| Tentacle version
Hopefully there are some OctopusDeploy guru’s around to help!