Audit calendar is missing icons

Hi there

Just a couple of minor ui bugs on the date picker on the audit page:

  • calendar is missing icons for next month/previous month
  • the date boxes are too narrow to see the full date

This is happening in Chrome version “47.0.2526.80 m”.

Not a big issue, and definitely not a blocker, but thought I’d raise anyway.



Hi Matt,

Thanks for getting in touch. It’s a minor but important bug so I’ve created a Github issue to get it fixed. You can track it progress at the following URL.

Thanks again!


Hi Rob

I’ve seen that has been closed, but I think that that actually describes a slightly different issue to what I was talking about.

I was talking about the previous month / next month icons that usually sit to the top left / top right of each month view (above Su and Sa respectively). You can still click on it, and I seem to recall it had a reasonable glyph specified - not sure why its not showing anything.

The secondary issue was around the “From” and “To” dates in the bottom right - you cant see the year as it cuts off the last 2 numbers.

I haven’t tried the latest release, so this may have been resolved :slight_smile:


Hi Matt,

Thanks for following-up as I did make a mistake. I have created a new Github issue to fix the correct issues but the original one is still nice to have. :slight_smile: The new issue is available at the following URL.

Thanks again!
