If I’m using this:
web.#{Octopus.Environment.Name}.config.transform => Web.Config
Does the package require the Web.config file or can Octopus use the existing Web.config file in the “Install to” property?
I have multiple steps that deploy to the same install to directory where each step requires transforms to be done to the same file. In this case the Web.config file. I’m not currently including the Web.config in my packages because the transforms need to be additive.
|- Project 1
|- Project 2
|- Project 3
I’m deploying each project as a step. None of the NuGet packages contain the Web.config as I want to use the file on the destination tentacle.
I’m working on writing a Powershell script to do these transforms after all packages are deployed but I’m hoping it’s not necessary.
Any thoughts / suggestions would be helpful.