We are working on setting up Octopus tool for AD authentication. Our requirement is that the user access should only be granted access through active directory groups and not individual users. Please let us know if we are missing anything here.
Could you please check your OctopusServer.txt file under the home directory of your Octopus server (by default C:\Octopus\Logs) and see if there are any errors in there relating to issues with your Active Directory configuration.
Thanks so much. We are able to configure AD groups now. However, when we add some AD groups under Configuration -> Teams, once a user logs in, we noticed that an entry is added automatically under Configuration -> Users tab and also under Configuration -> Teams -> Everyone.
Is this correct behavior? What happens if a user is mistakenly removed from Users tab or Everyone team? Does he no longer have access even though the AD group is added?
The delete option under Users tab displays “Once you delete this user, there is no going back.” So we want to be sure about the behavior before deleting.
Please provide details or let us know any documentation available about this.