2.6.5 upgrade to 3

I am getting this error when importing my backup.

Argument passed in is not serializable.


Please could you post a bit more context (stack trace) around this error. You may also mail the full Migrator log file to support@octopusdeploy.com. Once we have that we can investigate further.


the email is showing as blocked. Here is the stack trace. Let me know what email to send the log file to.

Full error details are available in the log files.
At: D:\Octopus\Logs
System.ArgumentException: Argument passed in is not serializable.
Parameter name: value
at System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal.Add(Object key, Object value)
at Octopus.Migrator.ImportProcess.ImportController.ConvertDocuments(ImportContext context) in y:\work\refs\heads\master\source\Octopus.Migrator\ImportProcess\ImportController.cs:line 374
at Octopus.Migrator.ImportProcess.ImportController.Import(IImportedDocumentSource backup) in y:\work\refs\heads\master\source\Octopus.Migrator\ImportProcess\ImportController.cs:line 95
at Octopus.Shared.Startup.AbstractCommand.Octopus.Shared.Startup.ICommand.Start(String[] commandLineArguments, ICommandRuntime commandRuntime, OptionSet commonOptions) in y:\work\refs\heads\master\source\Octopus.Shared\Startup\AbstractCommand.cs:line 57
at Octopus.Shared.Startup.ConsoleHost.Run(Action`1 start, Action shutdown) in y:\work\refs\heads\master\source\Octopus.Shared\Startup\ConsoleHost.cs:line 36
Argument passed in is not serializable.
Parameter name: value
Error: The previous command returned a non-zero exit code of: 1

Email support@octopusdeploy.com thanks.

Hi, was this update problem solved?



Hi Jonas,

Are you having this exact problem? Are you able to send us your migration logs?
What version are you trying to migrate to?
