I’ve just installed Octopus.3.1.4-x64 on a new server. After the installation/configuration script completed, I got the following warning:
Executing SQL Server script 'Octopus.Core.UpgradeScripts.Script0020 - Create mutex table.sql’
Warning! The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index ‘PK_Mutex_Id’ has maximum length of 1000 bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail.
I can see what the warning says, but what does this in practice mean? Will it be fine running Octopus, or may we at some point run into some weird/unforeseen bug? Should I ask my DB administrator do do anything to the database (I don’t know of the maximum key length can be modified)? We didn’t ask for any specific configuration from our DBA when ordering the database (other then what is given here http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/display/OD/SQL+Server+Database+Requirements), so I assume it is a pretty “standard” MS SQL Server database configuration.
What is your recommendation?