Uploads time out

Hi Guys,

I previously posted about this problem and had hoped that our upgrade to a 5MBIT fibre uplink would sort it out, but alas it does not.

I really need the following:

  1. Ability to specify maximum number of uploads at a time
  2. Ability to increase the timeout for an upload to begin.

eg these are the problems i have:

2013-06-10 11:46:24 ERROR System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: The inactivity timeout of (00:01:00) has been exceeded.

I have tried the new method of having the tentacle download from Nuget, but the same issue exists.

Please could you let me know if this is on the roadmap, otherwise I will need to make another plan to export / replicate the Nuget server in Teamcity OR move Teamcity to an internet based server and not on premises. Neither of which I really feel like doing!!

Hi Anton,

Thanks for the update, we’ll add these controls in Octopus 2.0.


Is there any updates to this issue? we encountered same problem with 170mb package.


#theJoysOfAfrica… any updates on this issue, its slowly becomming a show stopper. #keepCalmAndDeployToProduction

We’ve made changes in Octopus 2.0, now available for download, that should greatly improve behaviour of this. We also have an open ticket for the RTW to ensure this is tested/complete: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/354

Thanks for weighing in, everyone.

Doesn’t seem to be a problem any more.