I was not able to install octopus on my machine, it returns the fllowing error:
Saving instance: OctopusServer
Home directory set to: C:\Octopus
Storage mode set to: Embedded
Allow checking for upgrades: True
Include usage statistics: True
Web authentication mode: UsernamePassword
Web force SSL: False
Web listen prefixes: http://localhost:80/
Storage listen port set to: 10931
Comms listen port: 10943
Creating or modifying administrator ‘federico’
Error: The file exists.
Full error details are available in the log files.
See: http://g.octopushq.com/LogFiles
Error: The previous command returned a non-zero exit code of: 100
Error: The command that failed was: “C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Octopus\Octopus.Server.exe” admin --instance “OctopusServer” --username “federico” --password “********” --wait "5000"
Deleted instance: OctopusServer
I’ve downloaded the latest version of Octopus today.
I was able to solve the problem.
To be more specific I found the same issue on other applications and it looks like that my temp folders was too full. I just cleaned up it and everything is working back.
Thank you for your time.
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Error: The previous command returned a non-zero exit code of: 100
Error: The command that failed was: “C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Octopus\Octopus.Server.exe” license --instance “OctopusServer” --licenseBase64 "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"
Deregistered OctopusServer from the database
Deleted instance: OctopusServer
Thanks for reaching out. Could you check on `C:\Octopus\Logs" and see if there are any logs there that might give us a better clue at what is going on?