I have been trying for the last day and a half to deploy my web site as a web application under a parent site. I have tried three different types of processes and I get the same error for all of them. Here is the error:
Making sure a Virtual Directory "DirectorySearch_Test" is configured as a child of "staging.uwlax.edu" at "E:\DirectorySearch_Test"...
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
"DirectorySearch_Test" already exists in IIS and points to a Web Application.
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
We cannot automatically change this to a Virtual Directory on your behalf.
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
Please delete it and then re-deploy the project.
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
+ throw "`"$virtualPath`" already exists in IIS and points to a
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
Web Application ...
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: ("DirectorySearc...oy the proj
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
ect.:String) [], RuntimeException
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : "DirectorySearch_Test" already exists in IIS and
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
points to a Web Application. We cannot automatically change this to a Vir
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
tual Directory on your behalf. Please delete it and then re-deploy the pro
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
Script 'E:\DirectorySearch_Test\Octopus.Features.IISWebSite_BeforePostDeploy.ps1' returned non-zero exit code: 1
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
Running rollback conventions...
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Error
Script 'E:\DirectorySearch_Test\Octopus.Features.IISWebSite_BeforePostDeploy.ps1' returned non-zero exit code: 1
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Fatal
The remote script failed with exit code 1
April 3rd 2017 14:51:23Fatal
Directory Website on staging
I know this can be done and it has to be a pretty common thing to deploy a site as a sub application so I am sure I am just missing something. I really don’t know why Octopus is trying to create a virtual directory when it should be an application. Is this a bug or something I am missing?
I have attached a pic of my settings inside the process.
Thanks for any help you can give me.